Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Singles Jukebox

[This is posted one day late, which makes it near useless, but Blogger wouldn't let me post yesterday and since I took the time to write this thing it's sure as heck going up.]


I am now a contributor to the Stylus Magazine Singles Jukebox. I'm really happy about this as it is one of my favorite weekly columns. Anyways, it's no longer gonna be a weekly column but a daily blog or whater. Anyways, whenever it converts over I'll let you know and link it up. In the meantime, this week's entry is featured here. Here's the director's cut. Only one of my blurbs was not run, and probably wisely:

Sophie Ellis-Bextor - "Catch You": This sounds appealingly like an electro cover of a great Blondie song that never was. Nice lyrics/music synergy here as this song just SOUNDS like the soundtrack to a high-energy chase. The catchiest melody and music of the brief year to this point and great stalkerish lyrics make this a refreshingly original pop tune that puts a good start on 2007, after British pop's rather weak 2006. [8] <--- I was glad to see somebody else make the Blondie comparison as it confirmed my ears were not broken.

Additionally, two of my comments were cut, so here they are in full:

Augustana - "Boston": This has a really nice tinkling piano line to start off, which made me hope for the best. Unfortunately, when the dude starts singing, it instantly starts losing points, and by the time it gets through the first chorus, it's lost all the goodwill and more that it ever built up. Augustana have wisely decided to rock this song out at the end, but it's well lost by then. Whiny rock of the worst sort, I wish this song would just go away forever. [2]

Ania Szarmach - "Silna": It's got a really nice, really weird beat and a catchy chorus. Even the verses aren't bad. Unfortunately, the whole thing feels a bit overfamiliar, and the whole is less than the sum of the parts. It goes into a great instrumental bridge in the middle of the song that almost propells the song to greatness, but there just isn't enough here. [6]

Again, both cuts were probably good things. I gave a below average rating for 5 of the 6 songs I blurbed, the exception being Sophie Ellis- Bextor, which apparently some people do not love. Even then all of my ratings were very close to consensus, almost depressingly so. Was surprised, though delighted to see Norah Jones so high. I had it as an [8] up until the very last second when I bumped it down to a 7 because it felt better. I think I'm a tougher grader than most of the other people, but in any event, it's a very good song. New Gwen Stefani way too low, that song is a 7 or an 8, in my opinion. We'll see how things go with this, once it goes to a daily blog. Anyways, that's enough self-promotion for one post.

Still low on ideas for posts and still busy with non blog things, so posting will probably continue to be light, at least until the new music season kicks in for real, American Idol heats up, new season of Unfabulous starts, etc. New Hannah Montana episodes have been v. good so far and I'm glad I stuck with it. Still needs Jake Ryan back.



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